A church with a heart for the community


Roundup from the Guild

Sheila Goldie

Greetings to everyone from the Guild. We have had a most enjoyable few months  starting off in January with a get-together which was, as ever, a happy  occasion.

This was followed by our annual Scottish afternoon where we were royally entertained by our own Mearns Kirk Maestros - Janice, Shona and Stewart.  Memories were stirred by the music and, of course the dumpling, trifle, tablet and  shortbread helped the proceedings along!

In February, we had a happy afternoon with Caroline McFarlan who told us of her  journey so far with her family, and with the company Arbonne(who specialise in  natural health and skin products) where she is now Vice President.

Our second speaker had to cancel due to a hospital appointment, so we used the  afternoon to plan our indoor Car Boot Sale in April. It has become a bit more  difficult to hold fund-raising events since we have fewer members, but everyone  rises to the occasion. 

March brought us a delightful visit from the Rev. Eddie Simpson, and what a joy  that was. He kept the Guild laughing as he told us of his childhood and growing  up in a 'steel town'.

His journey in to the ministry was a tale of tenacity which gave us food for thought. We could have listened for much longer but hope we can continue at a  later date.

At our next meeting, Margaret Tomlinson is coming to speak to us about LOVE.  This should have been for St. Valentine's Day but love is love, no matter when!

On 3rd April Nan Steele is coming again, but this time she will be telling us all  about the last Csarina. This should be especially interesting in view of what  happened in Russia at that time.

April 17th brings us Sheila Clarke who has an extensive collection of Royal photographs - and of course the accompanying stories. 

Sat April 20th we are having our Indoor Car Boot Sale in the Church Halls from  10.00a.m.-12.00p.m., admission £2.00 per person, including our usual  refreshments. There will be a collection of tables offering all sorts of goods  including craft materials, art works, household goods - too many to list.

Anyone interested in having a table should contact Janne on 07960 570854 but  space is rapidly filling up.

On 1st May we have our AGM followed by flower arranging helped along by our  arrangers, Adele and Helen. Our Annual Outing will be to Troon on 5th June,  arrangements still to be finalised.

We invite you to come along to our meetings where you will find a very friendly  group, always happy to welcome new members and we promise you will not be  bored!

Avril and Elizabeth have joined us this year, a very happy addition to our Guild.  We are a cheery bunch and laughter is high on our agenda. Finally, may the  wonderful blessings of Easter be with you all.


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Donated by Mrs J Webb. more...
Nancy :
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Rhona McCalman :
Sunday 5th May and Wednesday 8th May 2024. more...