A church with a heart for the community

Update from the Friendship Club

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Shona Clark:

Now in its 35th Year, the Friendship Club at Mearns Kirk continues to serve the local community. The records I have state that “it was set up in response to a need in the  community for the bringing together of the elderly residents who were lonely or  unable to get out and about on their own”.

“Back in 1990, a young lady from the Kirk Session offered to run a club once a  fortnight, providing afternoon tea, interesting talks and entertainment. Very quickly  offers of entertainment, home baking, transporting and escorting came from all  corners of the church and as word spread the numbers increased rapidly from 16 to a roll of around 100.”

Today the club remains popular and we have over 80 members. We are fortunate to  have willing volunteers who help run the club, transport our members, provide home  baking, afternoon tea and some of the entertainment. It would seem that not much  has changed in the past 35 years!

Recently, the Helping Hands team carried out a survey and here are some of the comments from our members:

“I get friendship and companionship

“Cheers me up”

“The Friendship Club is exactly what it says. It is a friendly happy group who enjoy each other’s company not to mention the entertainment and a lovely cup of tea.”

“It's so nice to meet other people and have social interactions. The entertainment is most enjoyable. Everyone is so warm and welcoming and friendly.”

“It is lovely to get out and meet lovely friends. I look forward to it so much.”

From the feedback, it would appear that the format established all these years ago is still working. As leader, I am very lucky and very grateful to have such a fantastic  team of volunteers who always like to make sure that our members have a very  enjoyable afternoon.

In our programme of entertainment, we will welcome the children from Mearns  Primary School on 3rd December, then on 17th December we will have our annual  Christmas Party with games,singing and our usual afternoon tea.

Wishing you all a healthy and happy Christmas!


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