A church with a heart for the community


Graeme Bell:

It is some time since we gave an update on the Lunch club. So I’m delighted to report that the club continues to go from strength to strength. It is gratifying to note the feedback from the families of members is that the club provides huge benefit to members and carers alike as they battle the impact of this cruel disease. Our wonderful volunteers continue to provide loving care and support and the club simply could not function without them. It’s truly a team effort and the combination of their  skills makes the club a happy and fulfilling place for members, carers and volunteers alike.

Probably our biggest change since the last update is that there is now greater focus  on getting our members spending time painting. This is due to the club benefiting  from the skill end experience of local artist Jean Duffus. She provides canvasses and  paint and an outline of the items to be painted and then with supervision, the members have been able to turn the canvasses into lovely colourful paintings. It’s  amazing to see the effort and concentration our members put into this work. We  have been supported in this by the local Waitrose store putting lots of the paintings  on display in their café area. We also had a mini art show last Christmas to let the families see the work that the members had done.

We continue to celebrate important dates in the calendar – most recently Wimbledon with the Hall and volunteers decorated appropriately and special food on the menu - the strawberry tarts went down especially well. Thanks go to the kitchen for all of this.

We have also had three outings to date this year. These were to the Transport  museum, Troon for fish suppers and ice cream and most recently to the Whitelees Windfarm. Each trip was very different. It was especially pleasing that some of our  members asked very relevant questions as we were shown round the Windfarm  which showed what a stimulating experience it was. Our outings season ends with a  trip to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice for a tour and afternoon tea followed by an exciting visit to The Glasgow Science Centre for lunch and a visit to the Planetarium - all provided free of charge to the club.

In conclusion, I hope this give you a flavour of the Club activities and that it’s in robust good health.



Groups | Flower Group 13th October 2024
Donated by Irene Duff and family. more...
Groups | Flower Group Sunday 6th October 2024
Provided by the Flower Fund for the Harvest Service. more...
Groups | Flower Group 29th September 2024
Donated by Mrs Wendy Taylor. more...
Groups | Flower Group 22nd September 2024
Donated by Mrs S MacFarlane, more...
Eddie :
Mary Paton :